I've started a new thing to help me become, not only a better cook but a better wife--in the long run.
New Recipe Night!!! Once a week, I pick out a new recipe that I haven't made before and try my hand at it.. some are hits, some not so much--trial and error.. and this way I can add more meals to our regular schedule ya know.. like i have a handful of meals that i know how to make and its easy to get worn out on those.. so repetitive right??
So, I usually try a new recipe on Wednesdays, but sometimes things come up.. don't worry-- i still try a new recipe just change the day! If you know me, if i skip one week, you better just forget all about it.. so i make it mandatory to do this once a week, EVERY week!
Would you like to know some of the new meals? I thought so..lol
We have tried: Turkey Chilequilas... got this idea from Sandra Lee on Semi Homemade... wasn't too bad, i had to tweak the recipe a little and use ground turkey instead of leftover turkey.. it wasn't too terrible, but not a do over thats for sure!
Chicken Tortilla Soup-- in the crockpot.. OMG this was sooo good! i got this from another blog i read, and let me tell you--there were NO leftovers after day 2.. we cleaned that up!
Potato Soup-- i have never been a fan of potato soup, but i thought well maybe i can make it, and i might like it.. it was OK.. i still don't have the taste for it.. but David did like it, we had so much left over, he took a big bowl to work and some of them even wanted the recipe..thanks Betty Crocker!
Easy Beef Stew... made in the crockpot... When i got home after work and checked on the beef, i thought it was ruined! My crockpot tends to cook really hot, and the sides of it were burnt up! I was like great, i spent almost 7 dollars on stew meat just for it to ruin, but i only had to throw a few pieces out.. i poured the stew over some egg noodles, so good! i will definitely need to figure out how to tweak this so it doesn't burn.. (maybe get a new crock pot) who knows..
Meatloaf.. out of a Paula Dean cookbook i have. This was amazing as well.. The only difference in this recipe that was different from most recipes is that it had chopped onions and bell peppers, which really did give a lot of texture and flavor.. I'm not usually a fan of meatloaf bc its so thick and tends to be dry- but this one was great.. and of course a side of mashed potatoes only made it better!
I'm thinking thats about all the new recipes I have tried so far.. gotta get to looking at my new Southern Cooking Cook book i got for christmas and also my Heart Healthy cook book that i got for my birthday.. I'm finally putting all those to good use!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
WE will figure it out.
There are certain things I wish to accomplish in our marriage. I understand that it may take some time & patience--but when it comes to some issues, time is of the essence.
1.Trust-- to be able to let it all out. TO not be scared of what the person might think, but to know that you can tell them anything and everything! to know that there are no details about our lives that will be left out, that we can say what we want and need to say
2.Compassion--to put the shoe on the other foot, to open your heart completely to one another.
3. Patience--be slow to speak. Listen to one another, really understand one another. Not let things get to you so quickly. Take the time to spend together and continue to learn new things about your relationship.
4. Admiration-- to look or even think about one another and just be in awe of the love you have for them.
5. Comfort-- to always feel at ease, to feel safe and know that your being taken care of without a doubt. To know when you fall asleep at night they will be there when you awake and love you all the same, if not more..
6. Dependibiliy-- to be a constant, to know that there is always someone to lean on. Someone to pick you up when your falling, hold your hand when your lost, guide you when you might stray.
7. Love-- to always have that flutter in your stomach. To never wanting to let go. Knowing that the other person can never be replaced. Jumping off the edge of the earth just to have them.
These are just a few things that come to mind, in no particular order of course. I'm honestly not sure how to work on these things, or how to exactly accomplish all of this--but I'll figure it out.. WE will figure it out. --together!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
a new hobby?
So i have decided that I really want a hobby.. I'm not all that artistic or anything--but I'm going to try and make a wreath,
I'm super excited about this and have been waiting all week for the weekend to get here so I could go shopping for all my stuff.
This morning came, I got up and around, went and visited my nanna and pa for a while, and then headed to where the shops are!
All by myself, b/c i'm a big girl, lol... I went to Hobby Lobby-- I got my wreath and some bouquets of fake flowers, and decided to head over to Target and see what I could pick up in the dollar bins.. no luck there! But I knew I couldn't leave empty handed, so I picked up some dishwasher detergent for a great price of $2.94, for a huge bottle.. and let me tell you, I'm really into clipping coupons and trying to save as much $$ as I can.. so I'm really trying!
I then drove on over to Michaels--I'm super glad I did, they were having some great buys on all the fall stuff that was left. So i picked up some ribbon for $1.00 and some long flower/leaf garland for $1.99. The other night, I bought my hot glue gun for $2.50 @ walmart. I am still on the lookout for a craft table of some sort- I'm going to hit my dad up to help me build one, so I can paint it and do whatever I want to it. I'm really excited! I just hope i do a good job, but I know it can't be perfect so I can always try again.
Wish me luck! I'll let you know how it goes soon enough!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
one year down..
One year down.. and many many many more to go. Sept 5, 2010 was our one year wedding anniversary. I still have days where I can't believe that we have been married that long...much less that we are actually MARRIED!! wow..
We went out to eat last night with some other couples, all of them either have kids or are expecting, and I know that makes David feel a bit awkward.. I know his feelings on the issue, he feels like everyone is growing up...and well..they are, because thats life and thats what slowly happens..
They are still the same people, just parts of their lives are changing and becoming something new. And maybe it scares him b/c one day he is going to have to grow up too...he's just putting it off as long as possible.. But he did get married, so he's progressing..slowly but surely.. And can i say, he did marry a pretty good girl.. oh yeh, thats me..lol Just playing! But looking back on the last year--I'm so glad that I didn't rush into getting married before I was ready. If it were up to me, we woold have gotten married a long time ago.. and more than likely we would end up getting divorced--i hate to say that, but its probably true. We both needed time to grow and mature before we made that committment to one another, and i'm so appreciative of that time.
So one year is down, I can't wait to see what the next year will bring.. I'm nervous & excited, but I'm also committed to David..I'm ready to continuously love him for the rest of my life, i'm ready to be there for him through all of our ups and downs, I'm ready I'm ready!
I wrote down a quote to read at our wedding but didnt end up reading it.. but i did share it with david when it was just he and I.. I've been thinking about it lately, and how true it is..and always will be between him and I.
--this is is just winging it.. i have it written down, but can't get to it at the moment..
"i stand and watch, as you get closer, you say "sorry I'm late" i smile, and say "no problem", but i think to myself, I could have waited forever".
David and I's relationship was long, and frustrating at times.. but all the while I loved him, and was willing to wait and wait.. and come back each and every time. and he knows that.. and its all because he's my everything.. im so happy to know that we have an anniversary to celebrate each and every year together.. to celebrate our love for one another..i'm so happy to call him my husband..(oh yeh, and my honey bear..lol)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
just not my style..
I'm 23, almost 24..yep, its my birthday.. in 10 days.whooohoo! But anyways, on to my topic. People often ask me when I'm going to start "going out" and having a good time. (like going to the bar, club, whatever..) I have never been to any of these, if you want to go, then thats your thing.. but going out has never been my style, its not part of my personality. Thats just not my scene. Stuff like that often makes me uncomfortable, just sitting at the bar of a restaurant makes me somewhat feel uneasy. I'm not sure why, but it just does.. maybe its because I'm a little unsocial could play a huge role.
Before david and I got married, one of his biggest concerns was that maybe I was still a bit immature when it came to things.. maybe not too immature, but too young. he expressed that he was afraid that I might have a change of heart and want to start going out and partying and see what i've been "missing".. I have never wanted any part of that, and I won't in the future. I have seen way too many negative things come out of those situations and I'm looking for something other than that.
just my thoughts on the issue..
Monday, August 16, 2010
Because you love me...
I honestly have no idea what I would do without David. The more and more I contemplate on the issue, I find myself worried about what I'm going to do when he leaves this world. I would be so grateful to be able to spend the next 60 years with him if God were to allow us to. That may seem as though I'm asking a lot, but I would be lost without him, it's not that I'm dependent on him..in someways I am..but I know I could take care of myself regardless, but I wouldn't want to.
When I feel as though everyone has left my side, I know that David is always at my side no matter what. Our marriage is more like a never ending friendship, as a marriage should be I know, but it's almost different in a way.. I still look at David and can't believe he is my husband, it's so unreal... We have been married almost a year, wow..a year? That in itself seems crazy to me, I would have never imagined that David would want to get married. Even though I always wished for it to be true.
I can't wait to start our family, for now it's us two, and our three pups. I want to spend time with just the two of us before we have kids, wait until the right time and know that we are both ready.. It took five years for marriage, I was patient and waited, now I'm going to be patient and wait for the right timing for children.
I love David with my entire heart and so much more..I know that I just keep repeating myself about all of this..but I just want to be able to share my thoughts, and this is the way I do it. My feelings for David have never changed and never will...no matter what may happen, he is my first love, and he will always be my love. He is my comfort, my best friend, my protector, my one and only, my honey bear(lol)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Something must be in the water... There are so many people getting pregnant. I'm not so much jealous, but more worried about when it's going to happen for us. I know that the time will come when it's supposed to...when God has planned it to happen...but what if Gods plan for us is not to have kids..I know that I need to be patient and trust Him, it's just eating away at me, ya know?
I am only human..I have wants, I have expectations...when truly I need to think of the desire that God has for my life, for our life, and the life of a child if we were to receive one..
I suppose I'm just anxious, and I know, I'm only 23..there is plenty of time for little ones, and at heart I'm still considered a little one. In my heart I'm just terrified that maybe I won't be able to have children...don't ask why I feel that way..I just do, and I hope and pray that I'm mistaken...
Just holding my niece, Reiya today..how much love I know I could and want to give a child just pulls on my heartstrings..whatever the plans are, I'm ready..I just have to remember there is a plan for David and I...I just need to wait and be patient..very patient...very very...lol
I am only human..I have wants, I have expectations...when truly I need to think of the desire that God has for my life, for our life, and the life of a child if we were to receive one..
I suppose I'm just anxious, and I know, I'm only 23..there is plenty of time for little ones, and at heart I'm still considered a little one. In my heart I'm just terrified that maybe I won't be able to have children...don't ask why I feel that way..I just do, and I hope and pray that I'm mistaken...
Just holding my niece, Reiya today..how much love I know I could and want to give a child just pulls on my heartstrings..whatever the plans are, I'm ready..I just have to remember there is a plan for David and I...I just need to wait and be patient..very patient...very very...lol
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
OUr house is a very very very fine house.. with 12 dogs in the yard.
David and I are now the proud owners of 3 dogs.. not one, not two, but THREE dogs.. wow. I would have never ever in my life imagine having 3 dogs --much less 3 dogs in the house. At times it is very frustuating.. with feeding, and keeping them from fighting, keeping them occupied and not tearing up or digging in the trash.
But for now, these dogs are my kids--and I do love them as my children. They are a bit annoying from time to time...but they are always loving, and always excited when you come home. They wait at the door for us and love to just sit in our lap and nap..
We have had Harley for close to two years now, she was our spoiled baby..thats for sure. We let her sleep in the bed with us, and let her get away with biting our ankles. We brought Rex home a few months ago.. he is such a sweet, calm dog, and has been able to really make Harley chill out a little..lol But unfortunately, Harley had to move out of our bed.. That took some getting used to, I really did miss her rolling over in the morning and just letting me pet her and love her.. that was the one time she was just completely a sweetheart.
About 2 weeks ago, we brought Boscoe home.. he is a male boxer, 10 weeks old. I have to remain patient and remember that he is still a pup.. but he is doing just great. He just has to remember that he is MUCH bigger than harley and rex.. lol He is a goofy dog, and I swear he can talk.
I suppose when I lost Roscoe (our other weenie) about a year ago, I have had a hard time filling that spot, and I'm just looking for the right thing to do that.. Don't misunderstand, I don't think 3 dogs will do the trick by any means.. 1 dog could do that. But I just have a soft spot now for a little partner with four legs..
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So thankful.
I am so thankful for David. I'm so glad that I can call him my best friend, no matter what happens, he is always there for me. If I make a bad decision, if I'm upset, frustuated, sick, etc.. he is ALWAYS there to take my side and be there for me. I'm so grateful that he is such a hard worker, he can work long hours and then come home and get caught up with yardwork, or just whatever. And if I want to go ride my bike, he will be there walking next to me, just to make sure to keep me motivated.
If I try a new recipe in the kitchen, whether good or bad-- like a great husband, he always says "not bad babe"..lol And he's never too good to come in the kitchen and help out from time to time. (and i should mention, he can make an excellent fried egg..haha) These may seem like simple and small things.. but its the small things that I enjoy the most.
David means the world to me, and I can never tell him how thankful I am to have him in my life. I can never tell him how much I love him. I just have to thank God everyday for the gift that he has given to me... my husband, my best friend.. David.
I am so thankful for David. I'm so glad that I can call him my best friend, no matter what happens, he is always there for me. If I make a bad decision, if I'm upset, frustuated, sick, etc.. he is ALWAYS there to take my side and be there for me. I'm so grateful that he is such a hard worker, he can work long hours and then come home and get caught up with yardwork, or just whatever. And if I want to go ride my bike, he will be there walking next to me, just to make sure to keep me motivated.
If I try a new recipe in the kitchen, whether good or bad-- like a great husband, he always says "not bad babe"..lol And he's never too good to come in the kitchen and help out from time to time. (and i should mention, he can make an excellent fried egg..haha) These may seem like simple and small things.. but its the small things that I enjoy the most.
David means the world to me, and I can never tell him how thankful I am to have him in my life. I can never tell him how much I love him. I just have to thank God everyday for the gift that he has given to me... my husband, my best friend.. David.
Friday, June 11, 2010
barefoot contessa.
I can sit here all day long and watch the food network. Oh how I wish I could cook like these wonderful chefs. And that's no kidding! I also wish there was a really good cooking class around here that I could attend.
Don't get me wrong.. I can cook, it just seems to be so repetitive and gets old quick! Just ask my husband.. haha! I would love to work in a test kitchen and just prepare dishes all day long. what a fabulous job that would be.. too bad I can't find one!!
Anyways, thats my wish for the day..
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
back to the old me.. like from high school..haha
I'm ready. I'm ready to get into shape. I need to take care of my body if I plan living a long, healthy life. Theres no better time than now. I'm 23 years old, and I want to be able to live life to the fullest and truly enjoy it, and not badger myself about the things I don't like, especially if I can do something about it!
For now, I'm going to strive to walk in the evenings, and if I'm feeling up to it, in the mornings from time to time. In a few weeks, I hope to get the bike i've been wanting from walmart!
I told David that I need all the motivation and support that I can get. I have a tendency of getting bored, and eating and drinking junk, because its so easy to do.. i'm sure someone can agree with me on that, right? I hope so..
So my ultimate goal is roughly to lose 20 pounds. This is something I can definitely achieve, I just need to wake up in the morning and look in that mirror and say "i can do this". So here we go!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
16 and pregnant
As I'm sitting here waiting for David to get home from Georgia.. I find myself watching 16 and Pregnant on MTV. I feel such mixed emotions for these young girls (not that i'm much older by any means). One emotion or thought would be how immature they are, some of them think they just magically got pregnant, and then they think its going to be so easy once the baby comes. Then i feel sorry for them because they have trouble getting through high school and losing friends.
But then I get mad sometimes.. there are plenty of women out there that are trying to just get pregnant and can't. And then I watch this show and see this teenagers just being irresponsible and I often wonder, where in the world were there parents? I know I know.. teenagers will be teenagers, and parents can't just watch them 24-7.. but come on..
I suppose maybe I was just a bit more mature when it came to these decisions, and I hung out with people who had the same opinions on the matter. I'm 23 years old, I'm still a baby according to most adults, so I'm willing to wait for my baby. When that time comes, I want to enjoy every minute of it, I want to know that its God's plan, not just some foolishness ya know? So the conclusion of watching this show.. I'm not mad at these girls, because I understand that things happen in life that we don't always expect. But i just wish that these girls had some more time to enjoy being young and being a baby.. not taking care of their own baby.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I woke up this morning at 5 am.. the room was spinning.. ahh!! i hate when this happens.
So I attempted to go to work, but just felt so horrible, i was nauseous and lightheaded, i just couldn't do it. But i had an appt at 3:45.. So i came home and napped, went to the doc, and got my Rx filled. I have now had dinner and taken my medicine, and feeling so much better.
I just wish this dizziness would go away.. it happens every couple of months and just makes me feel so..yuck! all day long.. I wish i was a doctor and could fix it ya know?
Anyways, the doc said it was just mucus/sinus build up.. so i'm just hoping this does the trick.. we shall see. back to work in the morning. go me!
Monday, April 12, 2010
A little about my life.

September 5, 2009.. After 4 years of dating, David and I made a lifelong commitment to one another. Most people would never believe it, but I did tear up during the ceremony. I couldn't believe I was standing in front of David, about to marry him, and be with him for the rest of my life. I couldn't have been anymore excited. He is the love of my life, he is the man I knew I was destined to marry.
We trekked all the way to Mountain City, Georgia to get married in the same church that his parents, brother, and sister were all married in. It was a very quaint country church--it was so lovely. I enjoyed every minute of being with his family and most of all spending time with Mary Lou, Davids mom. I can't wait until we can go back again.
Now, we've been married for about 7 months and we have purchased our first home in Greenwood. I really feel like we needed something to call our own, to make our own. We are still learning things about each other, whether good or bad, we will always be learning new things.
We have been attending Community Bible Church in Greenwood--and just LOVE it. I couldn't wait to be able to find a church that we, me AND david, would enjoy so much. I can't wait until Sunday rolls around, and can't wait to really get in there and join, volunteer, and really get to know everybody. But anyways, just a little about me..
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