Monday, August 1, 2011


Just because I want tooo... Here are 10 Random things.
--these may include things about my husband don't get all technical on me.

1. I love husband does not.
2. I really want to take some cooking classes, not b/c I'm bad at it..but I just love to cook and would love to broaden my horizons!
3. I love watching QVC (but only In the Kitchen with David)
4. I truly think my husband looks like Jude Law (love this!!)
5. I would love to be a better cleaner, my house isn't filthy, but having 3 dogs,ehh.. it gets real old, real quick.
6. I want to have Lasik done, but I'm pretty sure I'm too scared.
7. My stepsister and I both have a freckle on the same spot of our foot. Mine is on my right foot, hers on the left. I'm right handed she's lefthanded.. weird huh? lol
8. One day I hope to be a good DIY girl. I wish my house was decorated like a cottage, one day I will decorate, and do it all on my own.
9. I wish I could work at the Food Network, or maybe just be a librarian..whichever opportunity arises first..
and #10. I really want new carpet in my house (if that isn't random, i don't know what is) lol

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