Sept 5, 2011 was David and I's 2nd wedding anniversary. We got married on a Labor Day weekend, and every year we forget about this until its time to make a plan for what we want to do.. But oh well, we always have a nice time.
This year... the weekend went like this--Friday night after work we went to La Fiesta in Fort Smith and ate dinner (david never takes me to eat mexican when I want too--so i was surprised he wanted to go).. Saturday we got up and decided to go shopping for each other. He headed to town, and then a few minutes later I headed out too.. I stopped for a quick visit with my grandparents first--but that turned in to 3 hours, gotta love em! I just enjoy sitting at their kitchen table swapping stories and such--I even got a new cookbook. Then I headed to Academy, Old Navy, and Shoe Carnival. I went hoping to get David a new pair of shoes, but no one had the right size and it was hard to get any employee to help.. that drives me crazy!!
So I headed to the mall in hopes of finding the shoes. No such luck, whatya know.. So I figured I would run into the Mens Dillards to see if they were having any sales on Polo apparel. I found some short sleeve polos (with the little pony) --david will NOT wear anything with the big pony.. Must be the little pony haha!! I picked out 2 shirts they were on clearance for $34.75, in the middle of checking out a lady said are these the price on the sticker? The guy working says "no, its 50% of that.. so $18 per shirt.. WOW!! i had to get another one.. thats crazy cheap-my husband has expensive taste so I had to get them. That night we had reservations at the Red Barn Steakhouse--it took about 10 minutes for anyone to even say hello to us, and then the food was not good. It wasn't horrid, but I can make a better steak than that.. we were disappointed to say the least. But we had a nice evening.
--David said he didn't get me anything b/c he couldn't find any good deals.. I thought and said no big deal, i don't really need anything. Sunday came, we went to Poteau and I got some groceries, nothing too exciting. At this point, I was coping with the fact that he really didn't get me anything--no big deal right? Monday morning he comes in and wakes me up and tells me I should go make a cake with my new mixer--i was like whatever--you didn't get me anything. I get up and peak around the corner, nothing on the kitchen table--good one david.. So, he ran to the store and I got up went to the bathroom, walked in the kitchen to get some juice.. and what do ya know... there it is. MY KITCHEN AID MIXER!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!! In Pistachio, the color I wanted and everything. At this point, I'm screaming and the dogs are barking wondering what the heck is going on. And I have to wait for David to get back--wow. BEST PRESENT EVER!!!!! Seriously, it was like Christmas, and I couldn't thank him enough!! I LOVE IT!! I have made 2 cakes, 2 batches of peanut butter cookies, and I have a pound cake in the oven as I type.. :) I love it!!
--and i think David liked his shirts too! haha.
This is nice. I feel like I'm stalking you though.