Friday, April 12, 2013

How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: You know when you go to the dr, this is the first stop you make, they don't even ask you to get on the scale, just very nonchalantly stand in front of it.. So, when I see that number, I think wowza! but really I've only gained about 15 lbs, so I figure that's pretty good.
Stretch marks: no, but my veins on my sides are pretty prominent most days
Sleep: this is a touchy subject. I may get a few hours of sleep in between all the bathroom breaks and refilling my water, its the pits!
Best Moment: feeling her have the hiccups, its pretty neat
Movement: lots of movement, mostly in the evenings-she really goes to town on me that's for sure
Cravings: orange juice (but that's nothing new with me) grapes, and I really want some good watermelon, but I know I have to take it easy on the salt & watermelon without salt isn't much fun
Aversions: french fries, still scared to even try them, so i just don't--and milk in the morning makes me want to yack so no cereal for breakfast for me
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: none that I know of
Belly Button: still regular, looks like its getting flatter and stretching out tho
What I miss most: a good nights rest, over easy eggs
Milestones/Looking Forward to: Going to have my 4d ultrasound next week, I'm super anxious about seeing her features- and having maternity pictures taken this weekend! I hope they turn out good and I don't look like a flubbery mess..haha!

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