Being an adult, a wife, a mother somehow gives you a different aspect of life. An aspect that makes you realize how harsh life can truly be, how people that you thought were truly connected in your life can somehow just "stop". We all have our own busy, stressful lives- it becomes more difficult as you have children, I know that to be true. Its just sad and it stinks. Social Media does NOT help. Many days I just want to delete it all, stay away from my phone- try to connect how we used to. But then again, how will my in-laws and long distance family keep up with how much Avery is doing these days--how will anyone know what I'm cooking for dinner (ha!)- I know I need to find a balance, so my head is not just spinning with all the drama. I just need to be thankful for those people closest to me- I need to focus on God, my husband, my child, my family, and my friends-- without allowing silly things to fog my view. Anyhow, I'm letting go of all the burdens of this situation and just letting the pieces fall where they may-b/c at the end of the day, I certainly tried, I will continue to pray for peace and patience. Being a grown up is tough work, but I know I can do it!
By the way, I'm making stuffed bell peppers for dinner!! :)
Monday, November 30, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Praying for my Spouse
Every single day, I pray for my spouse. When I feel like there is NO ONE in my life that I can share my heart and share my struggles with, when it comes to my own personal issues- I know that I can pray about it, I know that I am not in control of my husbands life, but I do know who is.
Marriage can be rough, it can be wonderful, it can put you on edge, it can make you feel many emotions all the time. I read blogs, see pictures on Instagram--and often feel jealousy, thinking and wishing that was my life, and how I wish my marriage was perfect or just better for that matter. But when I really truly think about it, a picture is just that, a picture. That couple/family could have been arguing just 5 minutes before, they could be going through a super rough patch in their relationship, a picture is just a picture. And honestly, I have to remind myself of that. Others could see my pictures and be imagining the same thing- how is her life so great? Yet, we really never know the details of each image we see, or why in the world a spouse is saying "I love you" so many times on facebook. Is it all a façade? or is it real?
I think what I'm getting at is that, I need to focus on my own relationship, instead of wondering and wishing to know about someone else's. I need to put that devotion into praying and supporting my spouse and asking him to do the same for me.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
My First Job
My first job--Child labor job was working with my dad. He has his own tile business, and when we were old enough, we were just special enough to get the awesome job title of "gopher". At first, I honestly did not understand what that meant--remember, I was young. Then, I quickly learned it meant "go for this and go for that". However, the good thing about working with dad is that you got to spend a lot of time with him, I am a daddy's girl, so it really did mean a lot to me, and he DID pay us! Ceramic Tile work is HARD work.. bags of heavy grout, big boxes of tile, buckets of water filled to the brim-- man, it wasn't for sissies.
Now, my first real "legit" job, as in 16 years old, taxes are being deducted, fun adult stuff, was at Wal-Mart. Whoop whoop. Now granted, when you are young, you really just care about the money your making- and also when your friends don't have jobs, you think life is unfair, but I honestly wouldn't take it back. My co-workers began some of my great friends and my dad making us kids get a job as soon as we were of age was a great life skill to learn early in life. And let me tell you, I held the title of highest IPH (items per hour) ever! No kidding, I was the first 4 Star Cashier for the walmart that opened in our town and I was a great sacker too... (which still irks me when I go to walmart, and the cashier can't sack worth a flip, its NOT that hard-come on!) sorry, I have to vent about that.. and in all reality, I put my food/items on the belt as they should be packed together, and sometimes they STILL manage to mess it up. Good grief! This picture is actually after I had worked there a while a was promoted to Customer Service Manager--so I got to switch from the blue vest to the red one, and then of course work a lot more... oh well, it was fun! I remember those days well, I could stay up til 2 in the morning, no problem.. Now, it literally makes me sick to stay up like that--to be young again! ha!
Now, my first real "legit" job, as in 16 years old, taxes are being deducted, fun adult stuff, was at Wal-Mart. Whoop whoop. Now granted, when you are young, you really just care about the money your making- and also when your friends don't have jobs, you think life is unfair, but I honestly wouldn't take it back. My co-workers began some of my great friends and my dad making us kids get a job as soon as we were of age was a great life skill to learn early in life. And let me tell you, I held the title of highest IPH (items per hour) ever! No kidding, I was the first 4 Star Cashier for the walmart that opened in our town and I was a great sacker too... (which still irks me when I go to walmart, and the cashier can't sack worth a flip, its NOT that hard-come on!) sorry, I have to vent about that.. and in all reality, I put my food/items on the belt as they should be packed together, and sometimes they STILL manage to mess it up. Good grief! This picture is actually after I had worked there a while a was promoted to Customer Service Manager--so I got to switch from the blue vest to the red one, and then of course work a lot more... oh well, it was fun! I remember those days well, I could stay up til 2 in the morning, no problem.. Now, it literally makes me sick to stay up like that--to be young again! ha!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Stuffed bell peppers!
Here's one of our favorites.. Stuffed bell peppers!
Here's the list of ingredients.
1 onion
1lb ground beef
2 bell peppers (for 2 adults)
Can of rotel
Can of enchilada sauce
Taco seasoning
Salt & pepper
Garlic salt-optional
Shredded cheese
1 cup of rice (I use instant white b/c it's fast and convenient)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Dice the onion. And then place in skillet over medium heat with about 2 tsp of olive oil.
Next, prepare your bell peppers.. Cut off the top and remove the seeds and ribs. Don't throw away the tops though, dice them up and throw in the skillet with your onions!
Throw the bell peppers in the oven while you finish cooking up the filling! Add the ground beef to the onion/pepper mix and season with salt and pepper. Once the meat has browned, drain and then return to pan. Add in taco seasoning, about 2 tablespoons (more or less to your liking). The can of rotel and enchilada sauce.
Start making your rice in a separate sauce pan, if using instant, this will only take a few minutes. Once ready, combine meat mixture with the rice.. Taste for seasoning, you may want to add some garlic salt now. Remove the peppers from the oven and stuff with filling, top with cheese and place back in the oven for about 10-15 minutes until the cheese is nice and melted!
Enjoy!! There will be tons of the filling left over, which is good over chips, inside a tortilla or just by itself! Even my 2 year old will eat the filling, just top with a little bit of cheese and your ready to go!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Unusual/Random Mom Tips
These are my unusual ideas/thoughts that maybe will help other moms along the way..
- Going to the grocery store with your little one? (let me also advise, that I strongly discourage this until they are a bit older, when they are still small enough to stay in the car seat the whole time, that's not bad..but toddler age, it can be more of a job chasing them around) Anyhow, if you MUST go with your toddler, park next to a cart corral. One you get your groceries and get out to the car, its sooo much easier if you can put the groceries up, put the baby in their seat, and then just park your cart right where it belongs-no worries! Otherwise, are you gonna run half way down the parking lot with your child unattended in the car, or if its raining you can't lug them everywhere- and PLEASE put your cart away.. do not park it in front your car or someone else's car!
-Always carry tissues & wipes. In your purse, in their bag, in the car, stroller..everywhere. You will need them and you will use them! And wipes are even good for a dust wipe down in the car as well..haha.
-Do NOT cut your hair off post baby. Leave it long enough to at least go up in a ponytail. No hairdresser should allow a woman to cut all their hair off right after having a baby. Avery was born in June, it was hot, I cut my hair off... BAD decision! You will probably think, short hair will be easier... nope, wrong!!
-Your hormones will be a little messy after you get home from the hospital. (they will be a little hairy at the hospital too) Its ok, just cry it out. Take a shower, stay hydrated and fueled up--food and water. You are doing just fine! I cried a lot when I first came home, I thought I was hurting everyones feelings and thought everyone was mad at me--when really I was just overthinking and emotional. Make sure you rest as much as possible in the first few days at home as well! You will need it. Don't try to do everything, the dishes/cleaning all that jazz will wait!
-Infant months.. Diaper blowout? I swear Avery would have a blowout all the time at 2 am, I was trying to pump and feed her simultaneously- she would be bouncing in her chair with a blanket and blowout time would happen! yuck! One middle of the night episode, it was a blowout UP the front instead of the usual up the back. So its 2 am, I don't want to wake up David b/c he was already back to work- I was scared to death that it would get all in her face, she was crying, I was sweating, only option that came to mind was scissors! So I cut that onesie right off! She had about 100 more was ok! Then I gave her a bath, fresh onesie.. good to go! Ha! Moments like this you will never forget.
-Gas drops (infants) Use VERY little if you MUST. My husband was always the first to run for the gas drops, I always thought they tore her stomach up and she would blowout her diaper every time!! Bicycling the legs always did the trick for me, we would sit out on the front porch and sing "row row row your boat" and bicycle those legs, she loved it and it always helped!
-Orajel-Get some! I prefer the Hyland Brand from walgreens-its clear and more like liquid, unlike orajel which can be colored and jelly like. Just trial and error, some swear by teething tablets. Just be careful though when they get a mouth full of teeth, Avery's bites me and thinks its hilarious. It HURTS!!!
- Going to the grocery store with your little one? (let me also advise, that I strongly discourage this until they are a bit older, when they are still small enough to stay in the car seat the whole time, that's not bad..but toddler age, it can be more of a job chasing them around) Anyhow, if you MUST go with your toddler, park next to a cart corral. One you get your groceries and get out to the car, its sooo much easier if you can put the groceries up, put the baby in their seat, and then just park your cart right where it belongs-no worries! Otherwise, are you gonna run half way down the parking lot with your child unattended in the car, or if its raining you can't lug them everywhere- and PLEASE put your cart away.. do not park it in front your car or someone else's car!
-Always carry tissues & wipes. In your purse, in their bag, in the car, stroller..everywhere. You will need them and you will use them! And wipes are even good for a dust wipe down in the car as well..haha.
-Do NOT cut your hair off post baby. Leave it long enough to at least go up in a ponytail. No hairdresser should allow a woman to cut all their hair off right after having a baby. Avery was born in June, it was hot, I cut my hair off... BAD decision! You will probably think, short hair will be easier... nope, wrong!!
-Your hormones will be a little messy after you get home from the hospital. (they will be a little hairy at the hospital too) Its ok, just cry it out. Take a shower, stay hydrated and fueled up--food and water. You are doing just fine! I cried a lot when I first came home, I thought I was hurting everyones feelings and thought everyone was mad at me--when really I was just overthinking and emotional. Make sure you rest as much as possible in the first few days at home as well! You will need it. Don't try to do everything, the dishes/cleaning all that jazz will wait!
-Infant months.. Diaper blowout? I swear Avery would have a blowout all the time at 2 am, I was trying to pump and feed her simultaneously- she would be bouncing in her chair with a blanket and blowout time would happen! yuck! One middle of the night episode, it was a blowout UP the front instead of the usual up the back. So its 2 am, I don't want to wake up David b/c he was already back to work- I was scared to death that it would get all in her face, she was crying, I was sweating, only option that came to mind was scissors! So I cut that onesie right off! She had about 100 more was ok! Then I gave her a bath, fresh onesie.. good to go! Ha! Moments like this you will never forget.
-Gas drops (infants) Use VERY little if you MUST. My husband was always the first to run for the gas drops, I always thought they tore her stomach up and she would blowout her diaper every time!! Bicycling the legs always did the trick for me, we would sit out on the front porch and sing "row row row your boat" and bicycle those legs, she loved it and it always helped!
-Orajel-Get some! I prefer the Hyland Brand from walgreens-its clear and more like liquid, unlike orajel which can be colored and jelly like. Just trial and error, some swear by teething tablets. Just be careful though when they get a mouth full of teeth, Avery's bites me and thinks its hilarious. It HURTS!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Here are some of my "Momfessionals"... Yes, I realize I have only been a mom for a short period of time, 2 years, but I'm a mom no matter what the time length may be.
1. I don't like chocolate or sweets, and I do NOT like giving them to Avery. I have tried to be relaxed about it, but I do not like it one bit! For example, the other night I was in the bedroom folding laundry, and I could hear David telling Avery "no, hold it down here, don't touch it, its sticky", my first reaction is, she's eating a big deal, those are ok... I walk in to find this
Eww!! Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want Avery to be picky like I am.. but I just do NOT like candy. AND to top it off, it was bath time after this sucker episode and she walks in the bathroom with GUM in her mouth-they were eating a blow pop.. GAG!! I told her to give that to her daddy, and I must have scared her because she immediately started crying and ran in there to her daddy.. oops!
2. I have a real fear when going to the grocery store. Avery is at that age where she wants to ride in the big part of the cart, and it terrifies me to death, she loves to lean over the end and I can just see her tumbling over and onto the concrete floor. Also, if she's not riding, she loves to run around and I just know at the end of the aisle someone is going to turn the corner and smack right into her with their cart. Needless to say, I don't go to Wal-Mart with her by myself!
3. Over packing. I definitely am an over packing mom. I'm sure the teachers at Avery's school think I'm sending enough food and drinks for two kids instead of just one, but I just don't want her to be without. I think I'm doing better, but its better to be prepared than not. Just packing for an ordinary trip to go shopping, I'm pretty bad about too. I always carry at least 8 diapers, an entire bag of wipes, and 2 extra outfits. Plus I always have an extra set of shoes and socks, and a box of wipes in the car at all times. I do not have an infant anymore, but I ran out of diapers ONE time and I will never let that happen again. I was attempting to switch formula one time, and that wasn't going so well for Avery's belly- I changed that girls diaper 4 times in a matter of an hour, and then I was out--we went straight home, and I have never ran out of diapers again! Live & learn. ha!
4. I hate to admit this, but I sometimes tell Avery things are "broken" when I don't want her to play with them, or get something out. She will eventually catch on, as of right now she will say "Daddy fix it?". Yep, Daddy's gotta fix it!
5. Diapers.. I hate changing diapers! It feels like you change one, 5 minutes later, ya gotta change it again. Not to mention, when they think its funny to roll around on the changing pad- putting their hands everywhere, demanding powder.. good grief! Use the potty already! haha! We are trying the potty out from time to time.. not rushing. But oh my! And plus, diapers are soo expensive, I just bought some and I think I'm about out again.. goodness! Joy! I am glad that I finally got her off the bottle- before she turns 2! That situation in itself gave me PURE anxiety!!
1. I don't like chocolate or sweets, and I do NOT like giving them to Avery. I have tried to be relaxed about it, but I do not like it one bit! For example, the other night I was in the bedroom folding laundry, and I could hear David telling Avery "no, hold it down here, don't touch it, its sticky", my first reaction is, she's eating a big deal, those are ok... I walk in to find this
Eww!! Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want Avery to be picky like I am.. but I just do NOT like candy. AND to top it off, it was bath time after this sucker episode and she walks in the bathroom with GUM in her mouth-they were eating a blow pop.. GAG!! I told her to give that to her daddy, and I must have scared her because she immediately started crying and ran in there to her daddy.. oops!
2. I have a real fear when going to the grocery store. Avery is at that age where she wants to ride in the big part of the cart, and it terrifies me to death, she loves to lean over the end and I can just see her tumbling over and onto the concrete floor. Also, if she's not riding, she loves to run around and I just know at the end of the aisle someone is going to turn the corner and smack right into her with their cart. Needless to say, I don't go to Wal-Mart with her by myself!
3. Over packing. I definitely am an over packing mom. I'm sure the teachers at Avery's school think I'm sending enough food and drinks for two kids instead of just one, but I just don't want her to be without. I think I'm doing better, but its better to be prepared than not. Just packing for an ordinary trip to go shopping, I'm pretty bad about too. I always carry at least 8 diapers, an entire bag of wipes, and 2 extra outfits. Plus I always have an extra set of shoes and socks, and a box of wipes in the car at all times. I do not have an infant anymore, but I ran out of diapers ONE time and I will never let that happen again. I was attempting to switch formula one time, and that wasn't going so well for Avery's belly- I changed that girls diaper 4 times in a matter of an hour, and then I was out--we went straight home, and I have never ran out of diapers again! Live & learn. ha!
4. I hate to admit this, but I sometimes tell Avery things are "broken" when I don't want her to play with them, or get something out. She will eventually catch on, as of right now she will say "Daddy fix it?". Yep, Daddy's gotta fix it!
5. Diapers.. I hate changing diapers! It feels like you change one, 5 minutes later, ya gotta change it again. Not to mention, when they think its funny to roll around on the changing pad- putting their hands everywhere, demanding powder.. good grief! Use the potty already! haha! We are trying the potty out from time to time.. not rushing. But oh my! And plus, diapers are soo expensive, I just bought some and I think I'm about out again.. goodness! Joy! I am glad that I finally got her off the bottle- before she turns 2! That situation in itself gave me PURE anxiety!!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Pretty Weekend..
This weekend was pretty low key. The weather was warm, so we took advantage. Avery loves to be outside, we often have to listen to 15 minutes of crying when we DRAG her in. She's so funny, she will run and run.. which by the way, scares me to death! She is not a good runner, often running sideways until she falls. I am constantly hollering at her to walk, I know I need to let loose, but I just don't want her to get hurt!
Daddy got her a new swing, and installed it this weekend. She loved it! I set down on the swing next to her and then David got on the other one, which just about scared her to death. The entire swingset was rocking, it scared me too!
We moved to the front yard for some shade relief. Avery is super light skinned (yes, we applied sunscreen before going out) but I like to be super cautious when it comes to the sun! So we took her slide, picnic table and car out under the tree. She slid down the slide 50 times probably. Too funny! Ready, set, go is what she kept repeating!
Daddy got her a new swing, and installed it this weekend. She loved it! I set down on the swing next to her and then David got on the other one, which just about scared her to death. The entire swingset was rocking, it scared me too!
We moved to the front yard for some shade relief. Avery is super light skinned (yes, we applied sunscreen before going out) but I like to be super cautious when it comes to the sun! So we took her slide, picnic table and car out under the tree. She slid down the slide 50 times probably. Too funny! Ready, set, go is what she kept repeating!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
When did you feel you were the most beautiful..
I would have to say I felt the most beautiful when I was pregnant with Avery. That may seem odd, and I certainly didn't feel beautiful at the time, but when I look back on it, that's when I felt beautiful. I felt as though my husband adored me more, he was more affectionate and attentive to me when I was carrying our child. I may have been very sick, swollen, in pain, and just down right uncomfortable most of the time.. but what a wonderful, beautiful, miraculous blessing it was to carry a child in my womb.
I feel at times that I certainly miss that feeling of a tiny baby kicking around inside of me. Do I want another? Maybe someday, time will tell, and its most definitely up to God's plan for David and I's life.
I certainly wouldn't say no, but I would hope it would be later on in life. My older sister and I are only 15 months apart, I do NOT have the stamina for that situation! ha!
Here's one more for you!
In what time in your life did you feel the most beautiful?
I would have to say I felt the most beautiful when I was pregnant with Avery. That may seem odd, and I certainly didn't feel beautiful at the time, but when I look back on it, that's when I felt beautiful. I felt as though my husband adored me more, he was more affectionate and attentive to me when I was carrying our child. I may have been very sick, swollen, in pain, and just down right uncomfortable most of the time.. but what a wonderful, beautiful, miraculous blessing it was to carry a child in my womb.
I feel at times that I certainly miss that feeling of a tiny baby kicking around inside of me. Do I want another? Maybe someday, time will tell, and its most definitely up to God's plan for David and I's life.
I certainly wouldn't say no, but I would hope it would be later on in life. My older sister and I are only 15 months apart, I do NOT have the stamina for that situation! ha!
Here's one more for you!
In what time in your life did you feel the most beautiful?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Pet Peeves..
I thought I would do some random blog posts. Hope you enjoy!
Pet Peeves...we all have them. Those things that annoy us to no end, and we just can't stand it!! Mine may seem silly, but we all have our own quirks, right?
1. Spelling Errors. This drives me up one wall and down the other, I can spot an error a mile away! It also annoys me when I'm not sure how to spell a word right off the top of my mind?!
2. Being Interrupted.. I understand sometimes we can get excited when we are in the middle of a conversation, and you feel like you just have to state your peace, but when you are talking-10 words in and someone interrupts you over and over and over- that gets under my skin!! When you work with a lot of women, this happens so often! I usually just stop talking and go on about my business. Good grief.
3. Dishes in the wrong side of the sink. What? HA! Yes, I like all of the dirty dishes to be in the right side of the sink, so the left side is empty for washing/rinsing all that sort of stuff. My husband has never quite grasped this concept (even though we have lived together for almost 8 years). Oh well, I am thankful that he does NOT leave the toilet seat up, so I do try and let this slide occasionally.. by "letting it slide" I mean, I don't gripe him out about it. I'm such a great wife! haha!
There's what bothers me most.. its silly, insignificant, stupid to some, but these are my quirks and I'm just being honest about them!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Challenge Day 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.
Next on my thirty day challenge..
Day 2- Write down 3 things to be thankful for. (please know these are certainly random things-there is no "rank" in these)
1. I am thankful that my mother in law is going to be able to come in & keep Avery for us for 3 days while her school is closed, that is certainly something I am SUPER thankful for!
2. I am thankful for God's continual guidance and love each and every day.
3. I am thankful for my home, for having a roof over my head- it may seem silly, but I'm thankful for it!
Day 3- Spend 30 minutes reading a book.
I have definitely done that the last 2 weeks. I have been reading "A little Salty to cut the Sweet" by Sophie Hudson. Get this book! It is soo good, and its good for the soul, seriously!
Day 4-Try a new recipe for dinner.
Well I have to say I have tried a new recipe, just a sorta concoction of sorts. Italian sausage link, grilled with sautéed onions and marinara.. I put in a hot dog bun with some shredded cheese and then put under the broiler for a few minutes. It was tasty- but I couldn't eat it all, way too much!
Day 5- Go for a 30 Minute walk.
I have accomplished this goal every day this week! David and I push Avery around the block in her car or stroller, she LOVES to play outside..and cries when she has to come in. (that's the only part I hate about it)
Day 6- Add something Green to your lunch.
Did it! Had a wonderful salad for lunch.
Day 2- Write down 3 things to be thankful for. (please know these are certainly random things-there is no "rank" in these)
1. I am thankful that my mother in law is going to be able to come in & keep Avery for us for 3 days while her school is closed, that is certainly something I am SUPER thankful for!
2. I am thankful for God's continual guidance and love each and every day.
3. I am thankful for my home, for having a roof over my head- it may seem silly, but I'm thankful for it!
Day 3- Spend 30 minutes reading a book.
I have definitely done that the last 2 weeks. I have been reading "A little Salty to cut the Sweet" by Sophie Hudson. Get this book! It is soo good, and its good for the soul, seriously!
Day 4-Try a new recipe for dinner.
Well I have to say I have tried a new recipe, just a sorta concoction of sorts. Italian sausage link, grilled with sautéed onions and marinara.. I put in a hot dog bun with some shredded cheese and then put under the broiler for a few minutes. It was tasty- but I couldn't eat it all, way too much!
Day 5- Go for a 30 Minute walk.
I have accomplished this goal every day this week! David and I push Avery around the block in her car or stroller, she LOVES to play outside..and cries when she has to come in. (that's the only part I hate about it)

Day 6- Add something Green to your lunch.
Did it! Had a wonderful salad for lunch.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Challenge Day 1
I am starting a 30 day challenge for the month of April. These are various challenges to do each day and I hope to concur each one!
April 1st- No sugary drinks/soda... And No, this isn't an april fools joke (must people that know me, know I have a deep obsession with soda)but I can do it! It is now 3pm and I am doing great. I choked down a half glass of unsweet tea-by the way I don't understand how people can drink tea without sugar, really....whats the point, haha! And I've just had water for the rest of the day, I'm sure my body is thanking me for drinking so much H2O today as well! I am finding that I'm having trouble staying awake- but I went and sliced a lemon, and that really did help!
I'll post about Day 2 tomorrow. I think this challenge will also help me blog more! Wish me luck!
I'll post about Day 2 tomorrow. I think this challenge will also help me blog more! Wish me luck!
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