Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Here are some of my "Momfessionals"... Yes, I realize I have only been a mom for a short period of time, 2 years, but I'm a mom no matter what the time length may be.

1. I don't like chocolate or sweets, and I do NOT like giving them to Avery. I have tried to be relaxed about it, but I do not like it one bit! For example, the other night I was in the bedroom folding laundry, and I could hear David telling Avery "no, hold it down here, don't touch it, its sticky", my first reaction is, she's eating a popsicle..no big deal, those are ok... I walk in to find this

Eww!! Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want Avery to be picky like I am.. but I just do NOT like candy. AND to top it off, it was bath time after this sucker episode and she walks in the bathroom with GUM in her mouth-they were eating a blow pop.. GAG!! I told her to give that to her daddy, and I must have scared her because she immediately started crying and ran in there to her daddy.. oops!

2. I have a real fear when going to the grocery store. Avery is at that age where she wants to ride in the big part of the cart, and it terrifies me to death, she loves to lean over the end and I can just see her tumbling over and onto the concrete floor. Also, if she's not riding, she loves to run around and I just know at the end of the aisle someone is going to turn the corner and smack right into her with their cart. Needless to say, I don't go to Wal-Mart with her by myself!

3. Over packing. I definitely am an over packing mom. I'm sure the teachers at Avery's school think I'm sending enough food and drinks for two kids instead of just one, but I just don't want her to be without. I think I'm doing better, but its better to be prepared than not. Just packing for an ordinary trip to go shopping, I'm pretty bad about too. I always carry at least 8 diapers, an entire bag of wipes, and 2 extra outfits. Plus I always have an extra set of shoes and socks, and a box of wipes in the car at all times. I do not have an infant anymore, but I ran out of diapers ONE time and I will never let that happen again. I was attempting to switch formula one time, and that wasn't going so well for Avery's belly- I changed that girls diaper 4 times in a matter of an hour, and then I was out--we went straight home, and I have never ran out of diapers again! Live & learn. ha!

4. I hate to admit this, but I sometimes tell Avery things are "broken" when I don't want her to play with them, or get something out. She will eventually catch on, as of right now she will say "Daddy fix it?". Yep, Daddy's gotta fix it!

5. Diapers.. I hate changing diapers! It feels like you change one, 5 minutes later, ya gotta change it again. Not to mention, when they think its funny to roll around on the changing pad- putting their hands everywhere, demanding powder.. good grief! Use the potty already! haha! We are trying the potty out from time to time.. not rushing. But oh my! And plus, diapers are soo expensive, I just bought some and I think I'm about out again.. goodness! Joy! I am glad that I finally got her off the bottle- before she turns 2! That situation in itself gave me PURE anxiety!!

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