Monday, July 15, 2013

New mom, work, hormones, etc

It's back to work I go.. I'm looking forward to getting on a schedule, I am NOT looking forward to leaving my babe. I suppose it's my fault, but I have not left her with anyone except my husband for more than an hour and 15 minutes.. And now I am going back to work, and will have to go about 4-5 hrs without her the first day. How will she do? Will she cry and miss me? What if she just needs to hear the sound of my voice or the beat of  my heart? She is probably a lot tougher than her ol mom. I know I will get used to it and she will be just fine, but its nerve wrecking! 
I just have to be focused and know and remember that it could be worse, I do get to come home and see her everyday on lunch break so that's a major plus! 
I will definitely treasure and enjoy my last few days at home with her, even tho she probably doesn't know and won't know the difference, for a while anyhow. 
I am looking forward to some adult interaction ha! But then I'm sure I will long for some baby interaction too!! 

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